iPad Microscope Home School Project an iPad Journal by iPadFamily.com.au

iPad Microscope Home School Project

iPad Microscope Home School Project
Below you'll see the results of our Microscope experiment, and the overall morning of iPad microscopy. I think school's science departments should invest in a few iPad minis, eh?

iPad mini Microscopic Photography

An iPad homeschool science project.

Organic Raspberry under a Microscope, photographed with an iPad mini

Here's a neat project where iPad CLEARLY enhanced an educational experience. 

Our eldest son, now 9 years old, received a microscope for Christmas. Isn't it a parent's wish that their child would embrace an educational gift and utilise it?  Sure is.  He was 'ready' to try out and experiment with his new microscope. Mum and the younger children were at the markets... now is a great time. 

We spent a little while reading the instructions fully, learning about the parts that make up a microscope, how to create 'wet' and dry slides, and how the magnification really works. 

We learned about 'electron' microscopes and why his microscope wasn't one. We learned about dyes; staining cells and what to use to do this. Time to get microscopic! 

We collected objects from around the house and garden, mum got back and shared some organic fruit to experiment with. Yum!  Okay now we're ready... set, go!  

We looked at squished organic raspberry first. Cool! He asked everyone to come and take a look. He looked through the eyepiece again and said, "It would be great if we could take a photo of this!" 

I glanced down at the new iPad mini in my lap.  I wonder...  "Let's see if we can use the iPad mini," I suggested. 

Below you'll see the results of that experiment, and the overall morning of microscopy. I think school's science departments should invest in a few iPad minis, eh? 

Another great way the iPad enhances "intelligent education".

Young Grape Vine Leaf

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