Educational Puzzle Apps for iPad & iPad Mini an iPad Journal by

Educational Puzzle Apps for iPad & iPad Mini

Educational Puzzle Apps for iPad & iPad Mini
These iPad puzzles, mazes, quizzes and strategy games are an essential part of our children's holistic education. Even adults can get a good mental workout from these puzzlers.

Children's Puzzle Apps for iPad & iPad Mini help children's mental and visual development.

Even adults can get a good mental workout from these Educational Apps for iPad.

These puzzles, mazes, quizzes and strategy games are an essential part of our children's holistic education.  Even rats learn how to get out of mazes, for goodness sake!  We should too.

Having good graphics and engaging visuals in an educational problem-solving App is an important aspect of the Apps we recommend. 

We've included our favourite kids puzzle Apps for iPad out of the hundred or so we've evaluated. 

These apps are just the BEST ones!

Puzzle Apps for iPad & iPad Mini
