TED - Technology Entertainment Design iPad App - Reviewed & Recommended

Review: TED - Technology Entertainment Design

Watching leading speakers from around the globe give presentations on their areas of expertise all for free!

Features of TED - Technology Entertainment Design:

  • Some of the world's best minds to watch,at your fingertips
  • Technology, entertainment, and design talks to inspire, educate plus much more
  • Learn what clever human beings we are and the up-to-the-minute innovations
  • Get the real happenings in specific areas of science and so many other subjects
  • Expand your mind

Watch leading speakers from around the globe give presentations on their areas of expertise.  

The types of subjects that are covered are Art, Business, Health, Innovation, Technology, Spirituality, Environment, Music, Prediction, Planetary issues, the Human Body and Mind, Entertainment, Sustainability, Architecture, Language and so much more.

Gone is the need for an TV, this selection of talks can inspire, educate & motivate.  

Plug in your earphones and relax with your iPad to hear the worlds best speakers, there are over 2000 talks with more added frequently.  All talks are archived.

Make your own play list of favourite talks or download them to watch them later when you are off line!

If you haven't yet met TED, get the app now!  

Age Group: 12-Adult

View on the App Store: TED - TED Conferences

This app shares the amazing discoveries from the speakers at TED. Much of the content is real world event based and is not solely suited for children, but it is great for teenagers.